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NBPNP-EELMS Nomination 2017

This is it pancit! After 5 weeks or 37 days to be exact Fritz was nominated by the Province of New Brunswick. The program we got in is NBPNP-EELMS. What an early Christmas gift for our family.  No best words can best describe on what we feel right now. Indeed we are grateful for this blessing.

Fritz was really positive that tonight he will be nominated. And he was right! At December 4, 2017, 11:06 pm Philippine time or 11:06 am New Brunswick time, before the immigration officer took her/his lunch he gave the nomination.

Actually, he haven’t received yet the nomination email from New Brunswick. He just receive an email from CIC informing him that there’s an update with his Express Entry Profile. And viola! He receive the most awaited nomination.

Fritz has until January 3, 2018 to accept the nomination. I ask him to review his profile first before accepting the nomination but he can’t wait to not accept right away. As for him, he already check the entries the nth times already. After 5 minutes, the additional 600 points was added to his CRS points.

Thank you Heavenly Father for this early Christmas Gift. Thank you for answering our prayers. We are indeed grateful.

Our Application Timeline

NBPNP EOI September 7, 2017
NBPNP ITA October 13, 2017
Full Docs SentOctober 18, 2017
Docs ReceivedOctober 24, 2017
NBPNP AOROctober 27, 2017
NominationDecember 4, 2017
Upfront MedicalDecember 6, 2017
CIC ITADecember 6, 2017
CIC Full ApplicationDecember 11, 2017
CIC AORDecember 11, 2017
Medical PassedJanuary 5, 2018
IP2February 27, 2018
Passport Request Letter (PPR)May 1, 2018
Passport SubmissionMay 2, 2018
Visa On HandMay 10, 2018
Landed in New BrunswickSoon

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